Monday, March 20, 2017

3, 2, 1 Analysis

  • Three things you learned from this activity:
  1. Although there will be some overlap, not all mutated cancer genes are consistent throughout all patients with that kind of cancer.
  2. Frequency in colorectal cancer is increasing in children. 
  3. Many chromosomes will hold mutated cancer genes for multiple types of cancers. For example, chromosomes 12 and 17 were very common among most types of cancer.
  • Two things that surprised of interested you:
  1. All of this research is happening right now. When I looked up colorectal cancer, I found many articles from this month, and all of the first-page search results were posted in 2017.
  2. Seeing the consistency of chromosomes with mutated genes on them, or even just other trends in general (for example, most of my colorectal group had a majority of tumor suppressor genes) fascinated me. Especially since with the particular patient I had, the qualities of his mutations seemed not to fit any trends. 
  • One question you still have:
  1. Are the patients we looked at in today's sample accurate to the current trends present in cancer patients? (For example, if three out of four people had the same mutated gene, would 75% of the people with that type of cancer have that mutated gene?) 

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